The World of Procurement Community on Discord

The World of Procurement Community on Discord is Live

I'm announcing the World of Procurement Discord community server.

I'm super excited about this community server. Discord has been a place that I've really enjoyed using throughout 2021.

I’ve had issues with LinkedIn. It is sometimes problematic with the way in which it drives traffic to content. I was getting a little bit frustrated about using LinkedIn all the time for one. I actually don't want to be on social media all the time. Being glued to my phone and doing the inevitable scroll is not good for us. For me, where's the value there?

I wanted to create somewhere; a space that I can carve out where we can have awesome real-time conversations. When I started getting into this NFT world and exploring the metaverse and this new digital world and just think Ready Player One, I started to think, how can we do that? 

How can we build a space virtually, digitally, where we can all come together. That's kind of the higher concept here. It's not just another community where you can go on and talk and chat. I really like the idea of buying some virtual land and holding events there over the years. We could do this by setting this Community up as a DAO, a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation. This would mean we’d all buy a NFT (this is a non-fungible token) that would effectively be our membership card. We’d then own part of this Community. From there, we’d create our own currency, it could be £WoP, and this would give each member who held the currency a voting right. We could then do whatever we want. Maybe we will create the best procurement event out there, build a procuretech company or team up with others. The powerful part of this is that it would be down to you.

Alternatively, I’ll be reinvesting any money the podcast or this blog makes throughout 2022 to build out the community.

You don't have to bring your real self to this community. You can bring your persona, your online persona to this World. You don't have to have a profile image that shows your face.

I'm currently rocking NFT as my Profile Picture and I encourage you all to turn up exactly how you want to.

What I'm saying is bring whoever you want to be online into this world. The only consideration, the only thing that you need to do is be a nice human being. We are a place of diverse people who are bringing themselves in the way in which they want to be seen online, digitally to the World of Procurement. 
In terms of membership, it is free (unless we go for the DAO model which would be pay if you want to own Kinda model but free if you didn’t want to be participating in ownership/governance). I don't want things behind paywalls. I want everything to be free for our users. 

This is the vision and it’s embryonic at present. This is where I want to take it. I really hope that you will be part of this if you're up for it. How you join is just so simple. Click below.

Please download the app on your phone, PC or Mac. Come in and say hi to people and have conversation in the general area, go into specific areas and talk about wherever you want regarding your expertise of what you're looking for.

First and foremost, it's all about the community area, going in and having fun. 

We're bringing people in to start doing live conversations and we will do events and meet ups within the Discord server going forward. So I'm really excited about it. I'll leave it there. I'll speak to you very soon. Thanks so much for for reading and for being part of this. It's so awesome to have you here. 


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