Heineken Speaks And Consumers Should Listen

Posted on December 3, 2023


Click this Link To Watch the Above Video

Before I share my take on the above video, I want to provide some context.

In the following excerpt from my article “How Painful Are the Hidden Costs of an ESG Strategy?” I wrote the following:

“I am not writing this article to suggest we put the brakes on ESG initiatives; I am far from it. I hope to prompt us all to consider the total and hidden costs of pursuing these worthy strategies, including job loss.

Returning to the earlier Cannibals With Forks reference, gaining this critical insight and understanding of ESG’s downside consequences and addressing them will likely remove some of the barriers to fully adopting and implementing these crucial programs – including sustainable procurement. From my standpoint, removing ESG adoption barriers will foster sustainable capitalism – which is also good for everyone.” – https://bit.ly/3Ntje06

By the way, I believe that John Elkington‘s book Cannibals With Forks is as relevant today as it was in 1997 – perhaps even more so.

Returning to the video, while the goals are lofty, it provided an intelligent and deliberately detailed breakdown of the plan that many other companies do not. 

Ultimately ESG Success Is Up To Us – The Consumer

Ultimately, the consumer has the ultimate say in the success or failure of ESG initiatives. In a more recent article, I wrote the following about the new Jamie Crump (she/her) white paper:

“Crump’s white paper is worth a cover-to-cover read; her section “Every dollar is a vote” warrants deeper contemplation because it opens the door to understanding how the right thing to do becomes the smart thing to do.”

You can download Jamie’s white paper here: https://bit.ly/47F4piB


Posted in: Commentary