5 Questions All Procurement Professionals Must Answer To Succeed In 2024

Posted on December 1, 2023


📢 Calling all procurement and supply chain professionals: YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

For the next issue of our magazine, which will be out by the first half of December, we drafted some questions for Jon Hansen, Strategic Advisor from Procurement Insights.

Jon thought those were “universal questions all professionals should ask themselves“, so we decided to propose them to you!

What do supply chain resilience and adaptability really mean? (video above)

In this video preview, you can have a glance at the interview we did with Jon Hansen.

Answer one or more of the following questions and you’ll receive an exclusive preview with all Jon’s in-depth responses before our December issue is out.

An article with the answers from the supply chain and procurement community, featuring your voice too, will be published online at the beginning of 2024!

Now, take a look at the questions for the year to come:

Year after year, it looks like we are entering a more fragmented world, with an evolving global landscape and geopolitical shifts. How do you assess the impact of these changes on procurement strategies and supply chain dynamics, especially concerning alliances, trade, and potential risks?

Amid a changing geo-economic landscape, economic and financial indicators are volatile. Moreover, sustainability issues are urgent for effectively resolving the climate crisis. Is it possible to face these two challenges together? Culturally speaking, are companies doing everything they can?

Given the growing significance of ESG factors and geopolitical uncertainties, the relationship with suppliers is more and more important. What’s your perspective on the balance between diversifying supplier networks for risk mitigation versus cultivating deeper and stronger relationships with established suppliers?

The talent gap has been recurrently discussed in the Italian procurement realm. From your viewpoint, is this a pressing challenge affecting the supply chain industry in general? If so, how can organizations proactively address this issue?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is often touted as a transformative force, even in procurement. Is AI really reshaping this domain too? Could you highlight the pivotal opportunities it presents and the potential risks that organizations should be mindful of?

In today’s multifaceted business landscape encompassing diverse priorities like sustainability, risk management, and innovation, how feasible is it to maintain a primary focus on cost savings within procurement practices?

Looking ahead to 2024, what key advice would you offer to procurement and supply chain professionals aiming to navigate into a future influenced by the interconnections between technology, market dynamics, and sustainability imperatives?

You can leave a comment here or answer the questions by sending a email to redazione@theprocurement.it (in Italian is fine too).

Posted in: Commentary