In today’s eco-conscious world, the pressure to “go green” isn’t just a whisper on the wind – it’s a thundering roar echoing through boardrooms and supply chains alike. And at the heart of this green revolution lies a powerful tool: green procurement.

But for many, particularly newcomers to the procurement world, navigating the labyrinth of green product options and certifications can feel daunting. Fear not, eco-warriors! This blog is your compass, guiding you through the basics of green procurement and demystifying the alphabet soup of certifications that will empower you to make informed, planet-friendly purchasing decisions.

From Trend to Necessity:

Green procurement, once a niche trend for tree-hugging businesses, has blossomed into a strategic imperative. Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products, governments are enacting stricter environmental regulations, and investors are pouring money into green innovation. For your business to thrive in this evolving landscape, embracing green procurement isn’t just a feel-good option – it’s a crucial business decision.

The Pillars of Greenness:

So, what exactly are we talking about when we say “green products”? Think of it as a holistic approach to sourcing and managing goods and services that minimizes environmental impact, while maximizing social responsibility and economic benefit. The pillars of this “greenness” include:

  • Energy Efficiency: Reducing energy consumption at every stage, from product manufacturing to use and disposal.
  • Resource Conservation: Minimizing the use of natural resources like water, raw materials, and minerals.
  • Reduced Toxicity: Opting for products with safer ingredients and lower emissions, protecting both human health and the environment.
  • Sustainable Materials: Choosing materials with high recycled content, rapid biodegradability, or responsible sourcing practices.

By prioritizing these principles in your green procurement decisions, you’re not just saving the planet, you’re saving money on resource costs, attracting environmentally conscious customers, and contributing to a healthier, more sustainable future.

An Overview of the Green Certification Maze

But how do you know if a product or service is truly “green”? Enter the world of green certifications, your trustworthy guides in the eco-friendly jungle. These independent third-party assessments verify a product’s environmental claims, ensuring transparency and building trust. Don’t get overwhelmed by the alphabet soup of acronyms – let’s explore some of the major players and delve deeper into these certifications

  • ENERGY STAR: Lighting the Way to Savings

This EPA-backed program champions energy-efficient electronics and appliances, helping you green procure products that save you money on energy bills while reducing your carbon footprint.

Imagine cutting your energy costs while safeguarding the environment. That’s the power of ENERGY STAR. Look for that iconic blue label on electronics and appliances, and you’re green procuring products that use 20-50% less energy than conventional options. Think about the cumulative impact of choosing ENERGY STAR across your entire organization – not just environmental wins, but financial ones too! According to the EPA, the energy savings from ENERGY STAR certified products translates to a whopping $385 billion annually, highlighting the immense potential of green procurement in driving both profit and planet-friendliness.

  • EPEAT: From Cradle to Cradle, Not Landfill to Landfill

Focusing on the entire lifecycle of electronics, EPEAT ensures responsible sourcing, reduced toxicity, and improved recyclability, guiding you towards green procurement that’s kind to both the planet and your bottom line.

When you buy electronics, what happens when they reach their end of life? EPEAT ensures they won’t be adding to the ever-growing mountain of e-waste. By prioritizing EPEAT-certified products, you’re green procuring electronics made with recycled materials, designed for easy disassembly and recycling, and free of harmful toxins. It’s a closed-loop cycle, from cradle to cradle, not landfill to landfill. In 2022 alone, over 50 million EPEAT-certified products were shipped globally, illustrating the growing traction of green procurement in the electronics industry.

  • GREEN SEAL: Championing Well-Being Beyond Energy Efficiency

Looking beyond just energy efficiency, Green Seal tackles a broader range of environmental and health concerns, from safer cleaning products to sustainably sourced building materials. Green procurement with Green Seal ensures you’re not just saving the planet, you’re safeguarding human health and building a healthier future.

While energy efficiency is crucial, green procurement extends far beyond reducing kilowatt consumption. Green Seal champions a broader spectrum of environmental and health concerns. Imagine cleaning products free of harsh chemicals, building materials with low VOC emissions, and paper products sourced from sustainably managed forests – that’s the power of Green Seal. With over 2,000 certified products across 40 categories, Green Seal empowers you to green procure with confidence, knowing you’re not just saving energy, but safeguarding human health and creating a healthier world.

  • LEED: Building a Greener Future, Brick by Sustainable Brick:

For the architects of our future, LEED sets the gold standard for green building design and construction. From energy-efficient skyscrapers to eco-friendly schools, green procurement through LEED principles ensures you’re building a brighter, greener future, brick by sustainable brick.

The impact of our buildings goes far beyond their physical footprint. LEED, the global leader in green building design and construction, ensures that your buildings are not just functional, but environmentally responsible. From optimizing energy and water use to prioritizing recycled materials and reducing waste, green procurement through LEED principles creates healthier, more efficient structures that benefit both occupants and the planet. With over 100,000 LEED-certified projects in over 180 countries, LEED demonstrates the growing influence of green procurement in shaping the future of our built environment.


Empowering Sustainable Choices

Green procurement isn’t just a trend, it’s a transformative shift in how we do business. By embracing this powerful tool, you’re not just saving the planet, you’re saving money, attracting environmentally conscious customers, building a healthier future for your employees and communities, and contributing to a more sustainable world. So, grab your compass, navigate the green certification maze, and start making informed choices that leave a lasting positive impact. Stay tuned for Part 2 of our blog series, where we’ll delve deeper into practical tips and strategies for implementing green procurement within your organization!

Visit NLPA Learning, the new home to all of our certifications and online courses. The Learning site also includes learning resources, including live and on-demand webinars, publications and reports, articles, templates, white papers, and much more!

Recommended Reading



Published On: December 10th, 2023Comments Off on A Beginner’s Guide to Green Procurement

