Procurement & stress

Procurement & Stress

A certain amount of stress is normal in procurement, we are chasing deadlines, trouble shooting contracts, keeping stakeholders happy, therefore we need an avenue to release the stress and take steps time out to look after ourselves.

The busier you are, the more it’s been recommended to take some time out to clear your mind. Sometimes, we don’t have the luxury of leaving our desks, and you can only take so many coffee breaks. If it’s a super busy period, mediation is one way we can take a moment for ourselves before diving back into the organized chaos of juggling multiple procurement tasks.

10-Minute Office Oasis Meditation

  1. Find a comfortable position in your chair, feet flat on the ground, and hands resting on your lap. Close your eyes gently and settle into your seat.
  2. Take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with fresh air, and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing tension. Repeat this process a few times.
  3. Bring awareness to your body in the chair. Feel the support beneath you, and let tension in your shoulders, neck, and back soften as you relax.
  4. Continue deep breathing. Picture a wave of relaxation starting at the top of your head and slowly cascading down through your body, releasing any tightness.
  5. Shift focus to your breath. Inhale deeply, counting to four, and exhale slowly, counting to six. Each breath is a moment of calm and clarity.
  6. Envision a peaceful scene in your mind—a tranquil beach, a serene forest, or a quiet meadow. Picture yourself in this place, surrounded by stillness.
  7. Imagine soothing sounds of nature—the gentle rustle of leaves, calming ocean waves, or soft chirping of birds. Let these sounds deepen your relaxation.
  8. Bring attention back to your body. Release any remaining tension with each exhale.
  9. Express gratitude for your work today. Acknowledge your efforts and achievements, letting go of perfectionism.
  10. Gently bring awareness back to the present. Wiggle fingers and toes, and when ready, open your eyes. Carry this sense of peace and focus with you as you return to your work. Revisit this oasis whenever needed.

If you want more meditation scripts head to Head Space

Self Love

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.”.

brown steel letter b wall decor

If you need a super quick boost then listen to this short guided meditation less than 3 mins