Midnight in the ChatGPT Garden of Good and Evil: A New Level of Critical Thinking?

Posted on March 6, 2023


EDITOR’S NOTE: In a dry run for a recent Mintec webinar, “The BIG SEVEN in 2023 for Procurement” – (1,100 people registered to attend, so be sure to check it out), a ChatGPT discussion broke out between me, Mita Gupta, David Loseby, and Rob Handfield. Sometimes the most extraordinary insights pop up in the most interesting and unexpected places, and you will likely find this recording (see below) to be just that. 

Additional Commentary:

This is a topic that has been gaining significant attention lately. Here is an excerpt from a comment I made in a post by Kelly Barner regarding ChatGPT:

“Writing is about more than producing good copy or the perfunctory listing of common-knowledge facts. It requires expertise and unique insight brought about by first-hand experience and an insatiable passion for curiosity.

I then wrote:

“You don’t get to that point by going to the same well as everyone else to get their creative drinking water. Cookie-cutter knowledge will not differentiate you or your message in the cacophony of the internet and social media noise. All you will accomplish is to prove Huxley’s greatest fear that truth (real and meaningful insight) will be “drowned in a sea of irrelevance.”

Here is the feedback from someone using ChatGPT to plan their vacation, referencing its limitations: http://bit.ly/3SKKFDj

In another discussion stream, Daniel Barnes ☄️🦖 and Joël Collin-Demers introduced me to Second Brain and Notion.

Suddenly the following Cat Stevens lyrics come to mind:

Switch on summer from a slot machine
Yes, get what you want to if you want
‘Cause you can get anything

Don’t get me wrong, I do understand the positives of a ChatGPT in the context of the following comment by Lisa Reisman:

“I’ll be a contrarian here. I see AI and ML being critical to the re-imagining of many white collar jobs – particularly those that rely on writing. Think marketing content, web copy, news aggregation capability etc – things that today, are done by people will all get moved to AI. It is a giant productivity enhancer once you learn how to prompt the bots.”

However, will ChatGPT users leverage the technology to enhance their ability for creative thinking to stimulate meaningful dialogue, or will it replace creative thinking resulting in thought atrophy? In short, will the convenience of asking ChatGPT a question reduce human interaction to the simple process of the proliferation and passing of “unfiltered” information?


Posted in: Commentary