The Beatles, Procurement, and Orchestration – Do You See the Connection Now?

Posted on May 1, 2024


The other day, my teenage daughter excitedly told me about great music from a group she had never heard of. Even though I am turning 65, I am always interested in what my kids are into, so I said let’s hear it.

The sound was as familiar as the words: “She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!” They are called the Beatles, she said. What do you think?

When I read your post on Orchestration and Intake, Pierre Mitchell, it was like deja vu. I felt the same way now as I did when my daughter had her great revelation.

Here are the links to three articles referencing posts I wrote two decades ago.

What is “Supply Chain Orchestration?” –

What “technology musicians” are in your procurement automation orchestra pit? –

Does the Dr. Epstein Post represent the long-awaited hope that we have finally moved away from equation-based modeling? –

The takeaway: We have always known what to do to “digitally transform” procurement. The question now is whether we are finally ready to look beyond the technology and buzzwords.


Posted in: Commentary