asphalt road under cloudy sky

Route to Market

Procurement Route to Market Template


Provide an overview of the project or requirement.

Briefly outline the purpose of procurement.


Define the specific objectives of the procurement process.

Clarify the desired outcomes and deliverables.

Scope of Work:

Detail the scope of work or services to be procured.

Include any technical specifications or requirements.

Procurement Strategy:

Identify the preferred procurement route(s) to market.

Consider factors such as cost, time, risk, and quality.

Options for Procurement Route:

a. Open Tender: – Suitable for large-scale projects with a wide supplier base. – Provides transparency and equal opportunity for suppliers to bid. – Requires clear tender documentation and evaluation criteria.

b. Restricted Tender: – Limits the number of suppliers invited to tender. – Often used for complex projects or where pre-qualification is necessary. – Allows for more detailed evaluation of selected suppliers.

c. Negotiated Procedure: – Appropriate for specialized or unique requirements. – Involves direct negotiations with selected suppliers. – Requires careful management to ensure fairness and transparency.

d. Framework Agreements: – Establishes pre-approved suppliers for specific goods or services. – Offers flexibility and efficiency for repetitive or ongoing requirements. – Enables quick access to suppliers without full tendering process.

e. Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS): – Similar to framework agreements but allows for new suppliers to join at any time. – Ideal for frequently recurring needs or evolving requirements. – Requires robust management to maintain compliance and fairness.

Timeline and Milestones:

  • Provide a timeline for each stage of the procurement process.
  • Include key milestones such as tender release, evaluation, and contract award.



  • Specify the approval process for the procurement route document.

This template provides a semi structured framework for developing a procurement route to market in the UK, ensuring transparency, fairness, and efficiency throughout the process. Adjustments can be made based on specific project requirements and organizational policies. Fill in the pros and cons. List the framework’s available. If you use option 3 you might want to list out the Routes to market even further beyond those listed above.

Option 1 Do Nothing Option 2 Contracts Finder (tender above £30k inc. VATOption 3 Find A Tender Options above check for latestOption 4 Framework Call off


List of other routes available