What advice have you received that has stood the test of time?

Posted on August 15, 2023


My career has spanned many decades – and yes, 64 is the new 46, during which I have had the opportunity to meet, talk with at length and do business with some amazing people. That is one of the main benefits of hosting and guesting 900 podcasts and several television and terrestrial radio shows. In short, it is the relationships you forge and what you learn along the way that is the real benefit. By the way, I am always learning something new.

For example, during Long View Systems#ActivateDigital conferences, I learned about the benefits of “failing fast” from Paula Hodgins and the importance of “running towards danger” rather than from it from Jon Mellon and many nuggets of experienced wisdom from other IT industry and procurement thought leaders.

I have often talked about the important mentors in my career, like IBM‘s Howard Kahoon (tagging his son Gary Kahoon here), whose advice, “if both of us agree all of the time, then one of us is redundant” is even more true today than it was when he initially said it.

Earlier today, Joël Collin-Demers even reminded me that some of that knowledge stuck when I shared my old saying about “the shortest distance between two points is off a cliff” regarding the cost of expedience over well-thought-out planning based on understanding.

So, I turn to you, my faithful readers, to ask you to share the best advice you have ever received and why it was “the best advice.”

Posted in: Commentary