Suuchi Interviews Mike Mortson on the State and Future of Supply Chain! (Podcast)


Recently Mike Mortson had the tremendous privilege of being interviewed by Suuchi ( Suuchi has created an intuitive end-to-end solution for supply chain processes, dedicated to being the solution for a digitized future.

Here at Supply Chain Game Changer we strongly believe in the future being defined by the Digital Supply Chain. While it will take time, and in many cases a long time, for people to understand this future state let alone develop the vision, strategies and action plans to make this a reality, the Digital Supply Chain is inevitable.

As such the opportunity to be interviewed by Suuchi, whose mission is to “democratize access to a digital supply chain for all supply chain participants” presents a great meeting of the minds.

Here is our podcast interview with Irina Kapetanakis, VP of Marketing at Suuchi.

Irina began the interview asking to understand Mike’s background. Further we discussed the genesis and mission of Supply Chain Game Changer, which is founded with the intent of sharing experiences and expertise for the benefit of all.

As we continued Irina wanted to understand our perspective on the predominant trends of 2020 in Supply Chain. Additionally we discussed what our view is as to what we expect to be changing, and staying the same, in 2021 and beyond.

Our discussion continued focussing on what the biggest Supply Chain challenges are for the future that have still to be solved. And finally we discussed what the role of technology is in the Supply Chain, which led to a discussion of the Digital Supply Chain, the foundation of which is all of the great technologies from Blockchain through to Virtual Reality.

We are happy to share our thoughts and perspectives to help those who are in, or are interested in, Business, Supply Chain, Logistics, Procurement, Leadership, Technology and Academia.

Here is our Podcast interview with Suuchi. Our thanks to Irina and the team at Suuchi for this opportunity.

Originally published on February 16, 2021.