Do you feel comfortable speaking freely about your thoughts and opinions on sensitive matters?

Posted on August 10, 2023


Here are the comments to a post on LinkedIn by Kelly Barner titled “Would ESG by any other name smell as sweet?”


Wow, delicately stepping through the minefield that is political correctness and “just cause” fealty while indirectly quoting Shakespeare.

Consider the following points, and tell me who is right and who is wrong:

Silent Victims – is an eye-opening piece by Iain Campbell McKenna on the juxtaposition between the benefits of EVs and how the minerals are mined to build the batteries.

How about Nimi PrincewillElla Nilsen‘s CNN article: As the West surges toward electric cars, hereโ€™s where the unwanted gas guzzlers (May 21st, 2023) Do we now say to these poorer countries who finally have access to the affordable transportation we have enjoyed for the last century that you can’t use fossil fuel cars because it is bad for the environment? Of course, does it really matter if the ozone layer is gone in someone else’s part of the world but not yours? I mean, did the eruption of Mount St. Helens affect anyone outside of Washington State?

Jason Busch also has a few reasonable ideas about diversity in the hiring process. Check out his latest LinkedIn post:

Given the above, I might suggest we all take time to read (or re-read) John Elkington‘s Cannibals With Forks.


Thanks Jon W. Hansen… and you’re not kidding about delicately sidestepping. I do my best to be thoughtful and data-driven, but if I’m not careful, one of these days I’m going to lose a toe or two!

When I was running my LinkedIn Creator Accelerator project on hashtag#supplierdiversity, I can’t tell you how often people made important, critical points – and then instantly insisted they could not share those thoughts publicly. I know we’re all trying to prioritize empathy and inclusion, but if we can’t TALK about these issues, we can’t fix them. It is as simple as that.

BTW: Looking forward to checking out Cannibals with Forks – that is a new one to me!


Kelly Barner I have decided to rip off that bandaid on side stepping. I hope you do as well. Solutions come from data and discourse, not virtue signaling and faux progressive religious genuflecting.


Completely agree Jason Busch – I strive to do that every week at Dial P for Procurement… and the more of us that commit to doing so, the easier it will be for everyone else to join us!



Jason Busch, great line – “Solutions come from data and discourse, not virtue signaling and faux progressive religious genuflecting.”

Like Duncan Jones, who, in his recent post, made the following comment: “I was always feisty, but now I don’t have to worry about possibly offending snowflake clients ๐Ÿ˜‰” there is a lot of ripping off bandaids happening.

And I thought at 64, I was the grumpy old man ๐Ÿ˜‰

That said, I agree – “data and discourse” is the way to go.


Posted in: Commentary