When it comes to negotiations, is AI better at “bluffing” than humans?

Posted on August 13, 2023


EDITOR’S NOTES: Here is the link to the post on LinkedIn titled “How will Artificial Intelligence revolutionise negotiation?” that started the following discussion stream.

A powerful statement, e.g., AI “lies without compunction,” Duncan Jones.

Let’s start with a great 2010 article by World Commerce & Contracting‘s Tim Cummins who said – and I paraphrase “Around the negotiating table everyone lies about what they can do, by when they can do it, and for how much it will cost.” – https://bit.ly/3ld5ZFi

Here is another 2010 excerpt from Andy Akrouche‘s old blog:

“Greg Williams, whose firm, The Master Negotiator, posed the following question to the membership; “As a procurement professional, do you lie when negotiating? Do you know how to detect, defuse, and defend against lies during negotiations?”

He then goes on to write:

“When you negotiate, do you lie? Please, don’t even think about becoming indignant. Everybody lies when negotiating for one reason or another. If you say you don’t lie, you’re lying!”

Given that AI’s nascent “learning” is from humans, will it become a better liar than humans? Again, the IBM Deep Blue – Kasporav example comes to mind. More importantly, can AI be trained and used for good?

Thoughts? Bill Michels Clive R Heal Keld Jensen Nayomi Dissanayake Dov Baron Greg Herman Kwame Christian, Esq., M.A. Mark Raffan Sheldon Mydat Liazid Benkoussa Ori Bodenstein Tayde Ascencio