4 ways to avoid cold feet with a new job offer

Despite this, many people reach the point where a new position is being handed to them on a plate and suddenly they find they have cold feet.

For a job seeker, this is a hugely uncomfortable thing to face up to, particularly when you’ve taken all that time out to prepare for and attend the interviews and put your heart and soul into winning the hiring managers over with your ability to do the job.

As experienced recruiters, we take every precaution to ensure the people we represent reach the end of the recruitment process feeling just as confident in the opportunity as they did at the start, but there are things that procurement job seekers can do themselves to smooth the way and avoid any last minute panic.

Step 1

Before you even start to apply for a new job role, ask yourself why you’re looking and be honest.

Perhaps you’ve had a clash with colleagues, experienced some unsettling internal changes or had to battle something as simple yet frustrating as a bad commute.

The point is, will these negative elements eventually dissipate or can they be resolved?

If the answer is yes then it may be worth giving it a little more time before jumping ship.

If you’re genuinely ready for a new challenge and there’s no scope for progression where you are then you know you’re ready to take the plunge.

Step 2

Pre-empt the counter-offer.

By this we mean ask yourself how you would feel if your current employer offered you something to stay.

This could be more money, a change to your hours, flexible working options or even a promotion.

If any of the above makes you feel positive then chances are you’re looking for something more where you are rather than something fresh elsewhere.

This is a crucial point, don’t use another job offer as leverage, be brave and ask what your options are – your employer may well surprise you.

Step 3

If you know a counteroffer couldn’t sway you then you’re almost ready to start engaging with new opportunities but before you do, take some time to think about what’s important to you and don’t compromise.

If you’re looking for the opportunity to manage a larger team, keen to break into a new sector, searching for something with less travel or focused on achieving higher remuneration then stay focused on your ambitions.

That way when an offer is presented it will be with an organisation able to deliver them to you.

Step 4

Finally and perhaps most importantly use your instincts and conduct your due diligence.

There are no guarantees when you accept a new role but your instincts about the people who interviewed you and the true nature of the opportunity shouldn’t be ignored, no matter how fantastic everything looks on paper.

You can also side-step further landmines by properly researching your potential employers.

Use the internet and speak to others who have worked for or with the organisation and can give you some insight into working culture and practice.

If you do all these, then there is every chance the opportunity is what you were hoping for and you can feel confident and excited about accepting a job offer.

Now that you’re ready to begin your search, make sure you start by visiting our procurement and supply chain jobs page, where you will find exciting and challenging permanent and interim procurement job vacancies with leading brands across the Industrial, Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences, Consumer, Financial & Professional Services and Public Sectors with opportunities in London and across the UK.

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