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Written by Marijn Overvest | Reviewed by Sjoerd Goedhart | Fact Checked by Ruud Emonds | Our editorial policy

Sustainable Labor Practices — Embracing Sustainability

Key take-aways

  • Sustainable labor practices prioritize fair wages, a good working environment, and the development of employees.
  • Implementing sustainable labor practices encourages environmental accountability, social responsibility, and economic importance.
  • Employment relationships, social protection, health, and development are some benefits of sustainable labor practices. 

Sustainable labor practices in procurement should be observed to ensure that the employees will have a safe working environment. However, how can you integrate sustainable practices into your business operations?

In this article, we will discuss what sustainable labor practices are and why it is important. Additionally, we are going to tell you some ways to ensure that you can observe sustainable labor practices in your business operations, especially in sustainable procurement. 

Once you are done reading this article, you will gain a deeper understanding of sustainable labor practices in your business operations. Additionally, you will be able to ensure that your employees will have a safe environment at work. 

What are Sustainable Labor Practices?

Before we define sustainable labor practices, we must first know what sustainability means. Sustainability, at its core, is about meeting our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

In business, sustainability is known as corporate sustainability which is the coordination and management of environmental, social, and economic demands and concerns ensuring ethical, responsible, and ongoing success.

Along the same line, when we talk about sustainability in procurement, it refers to the acquisition of materials or services in an environmentally friendly manner to reduce the negative impacts of the company’s purchases.

Thus, when we talk about integrating sustainability in labor practices, it means engaging in work practices that meet the current needs that are long-lasting and do not compromise the future of your business. 

Thus, sustainable labor practices allow companies to meet their legal obligations to their employees. These obligations include a fair and justified rate of wages, a safe working environment, and the development of the employees to their full potential. 

The Importance of Integrating Sustainability in Labor Practices

Sustainable labor practices are important as they give the employees their right to a fair wage and a safe working environment. These ensure that the needs of the employees are also met. 

If the employees feel prioritized, then they will give back the favor to the company by giving their best at their work. 

For you to understand the importance of sustainable labor practices, we have categorized its importance into three different pillars of sustainability:

1. Environmental Accountability

Sustainable labor practices consider the impact of labor practices on the environment. By reducing waste, minimizing the use of non-renewable resources, and integrating sustainable technologies, companies can lessen their impact on the environment. 

2. Social Responsibility

Sustainable labor practices prioritize the well-being and safety of the employees. Thus, it ensures that employees are treated equally, compensated fairly, and provided with a safe working environment. 

By doing this, companies can show that they are committed to sustainability and that they care for their employees. Thus, achieving one of the pillars of sustainability which is the human pillar. 

3. Economic Importance

By investing in their employees, businesses can improve the productivity and efficiency of their operations. 

Additionally, this can reduce absenteeism and improve employee satisfaction. Nonetheless, companies that adopt sustainable labor practices are more attractive to consumers and investors which leads to an increase in profit. 

Adopting Sustainability in Labor Practices

Here’s what should happen if you adopt sustainability in labor practices. It’s important to keep these in mind so that you’ll be prepared for the changes!

1. Employment relationships

For you to foster sustainability in your operations, you should think about the legal consideration of contractors and workers, equal opportunities for your employees, and the eradication of unfair and exploitative labor practices. 

Globally, the apparel industry is one of the largest employers of low-skilled women workers. However, only a few of them can become supervisors due to a lack of managerial training. 

To combat this, we will give you an example of how Gap manages to upskill its employees. Gap, a clothing brand, has introduced the Gap Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E) life learning program. 

This program helps women to develop important skills to have a better opportunity to advance in the workplace and their personal lives. 

2. Conditions of Work and Social Protection

Companies must ensure that decent working conditions are provided. Additionally, companies must also ensure fair wages, limits to working time, rest periods, access to medical services, and safe drinking water. 

3. Social Dialogue

Businesses must recognize the significance of social dialogue between suppliers, workers, employees, labor unions, and governments on factors such as collective bargaining and freedom of association, or transparency in the social conditions of subcontractors. 

To give you an example, a UK-based fashion brand promoted responsible purchasing practices by pushing for greater collaboration between its ethical trading and production teams. 

By gaining a deeper understanding of the specific contractual requirements presented to suppliers, the ethical trading team can ensure that supplier agreements contain fair prices and realistic delivery schedules. 

4. Health and Safety at Work

Businesses must, in collaboration with suppliers, contribute to the development and maintenance of occupational health and safety systems for their employees. 

Businesses can do this by promoting the physical, mental, and social benefits of workers, and preventing harm to the health of employees caused by the existing working conditions. 

5. Development and Training

Companies must contribute to providing their workers with access to skills development, training, and opportunities for improving their capabilities and their skills. 

You can consider it a long-term investment for your company. If your employees are skilled enough, then you will have better productivity and efficiency in your business operations. 

Do you want to learn more about how to achieve sustainable labor practices in your procurement? Then look no further. Our Sustainable Procurement Course will teach you practical lessons for you to implement sustainable labor practices in your business operations, especially in your procurement process. Enroll now!


Sustainable labor practices play a vital role in ensuring a safe working environment and meeting the current needs without compromising the future. Integrating sustainability into business operations, especially in procurement, involves engaging in work practices that prioritize fair wages, employee safety, and development.

Sustainable labor practices contribute to the three pillars of sustainability: environmental accountability, social responsibility, and economic importance. This article emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of labor practices on the environment, prioritizing the well-being of employees, and investing in their development to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Adopting sustainability in labor practices requires addressing employment relationships, ensuring decent working conditions, fostering social dialogue, promoting health and safety, and providing development and training opportunities for workers.

Frequentlyasked questions

What is sustainability?

It is about meeting our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What are sustainable labor practices?

These are practices that ensure the well-being, health, and safety of the employees in a company.

Why is it important?

It is important as it gives the employees their rights to a fair wage and a safe working environment.

About the author

My name is Marijn Overvest, I’m the founder of Procurement Tactics. I have a deep passion for procurement, and I’ve upskilled over 200 procurement teams from all over the world. When I’m not working, I love running and cycling.

Marijn Overvest Procurement Tactics