What Does “Getting To We” Really Mean?

Posted on December 13, 2023


EDITOR’S NOTE: Today’s article was inspired by a LinkedIn post by Kate Vitasek.

“Value isn’t just about exchange—it’s about creation.”

“Through shared goals, you work together, investing in each other’s success and creating value that elevates everyone involved.” – Kate Vitasek

The above two statements should resonate far and wide with anyone and everyone, Kate Vitasek, starting with the sales process.

Sales is about more than just putting information out there. It is about rolling up your sleeves and getting in the trenches by building a rapport, understanding a client’s goals, and then working with them to achieve them because when the client achieves their goals, you will achieve your goals.

Whether a few thousand dollar contract or a multimillion contract, my approach was always the same – “understand and solve a client’s problems.” One of the more significant contracts I landed for $2 to $3 million a year started by finding a $4.57 part for a client. It took many hours to find it, but when I did, it sent a message to the client: if I am willing to work that hard to find a $4.57 part, imagine how hard I would work servicing a complex national MRO part distribution network.

What I am saying Kate, and I am sure you will agree – “Getting To We” isn’t just a nice sentiment but a way of thinking and doing. It’s about hard work, getting in the trenches, and solving problems. However, in the end, it is worth every ounce of your effort and every second of your time.

NOTE: The above KPI image is courtesy of another great post – this time by IAC Group’s Christina Eastis


Posted in: Commentary