Why we need a DraftKings for the procurement world

Posted on April 20, 2024


EDITOR’S NOTE: Today’s post is inspired by an energized discussion on LinkedIn prompted by a post by Michael Lamoureaux. Join in using the following link.

Michael Lamoureux, you make excellent points. We are not even talking about the companies that are not on the radar screens but have been out there for 20 to 30 years and have a solid and loyal client base.

Let’s take ESG providers (see image below). How many different company logos do you count?

So, let’s say you have an analyst specializing in ESG providers. Have that one analyst choose his top 10 providers from the “Ecosystem Map.”

In the future, the analyst’s job is to track and monitor the activities of the ten they chose, including news, product development, and anything and everything about the provider. In short, their reputation as an analyst is directly related to the performance of their ten provider selections.

Of course, the analyst can reassess their list regularly and make the necessary changes with an explanation.

What we really need isn’t a solution provider map but an analyst solution map with the providers they cover. Think of it like DraftKings Inc. for the procurement world, with analysts rewarded for choosing the “right players.”

Talk about having a stake in the game! It would definitely be an interesting dynamic.


Posted in: Commentary