Sheri Hinish Contributes in MIT State of Supply Chain Sustainability 2021 Report

Excited to share the 2021 State of Supply Chain Sustainability report and appreciate the inclusion herein with other friends in supply chain. After an extensive analysis of 2,400 responses, 21 interviews, and 250 documents, this comprehensive report highlights how companies put their Supply Chain Sustainability promises into practice in 2020 despite—or because of—the disruptions caused by the pandemic. Please invest the time to read and digest these insights.

“Supply chain organizations are no longer thought of as cost centers but [as] foundational to growth transformation as a roadmap for sustainable supply chains.” –Sheri Hinish, IBM Global Partner & Offering Leader, Sustainable Supply Chain + Circularity

The commitment to sustainable supply chains must be intentional, not consequential, by design. Thank you MIT Center for Transportation & Logisticsand CSCMP - Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals for your continued advocacy, and special shout out to some of my favorite folks championing for a better, brighter future who are contributors in this report 👇🏽Alexis Bateman Yossi Sheffi Arthur Grau Radu Palamariu Halide Alagöz James McCall Magali Anderson

#supplychain #sustainability #circulareconomy

About The Author

Sheri R. Hinish
Sheri R. Hinish
SupplyChainQueen ® | Executive Advisor and Change Leader | EY Principal and Senior Leader | Passionate about Supply Chain, Sustainability, Innovation, and Inclusion|

To read more about Sheri R. Hinish, check out her full bio here.