Why Case Studies Are Not A Marketing Tool!

Posted on May 15, 2024


In marketing, case studies are used as social proof — to provide buyers with the context to determine whether they’re making a good choice. A marketing case study aims to persuade that a process, product, or service can solve a problem. Why? Because it has done so in the past. – HubSpot (Jul 30, 2020)

A Frank Dialogue On Case Studies

Dr. Thierry Fausten • Procurement Excellence | On-demand Procurement Director | Switzerland Exclusive Country Partner CIPS for Business | Chartered MCIPS |

All information is contextual; hence, all case studies go moot one day or another.

Jon W. Hansen – AuthorStrategic Advisor/Analyst Specializing in Emerging AI Tech, Sales and Marketing (Procurement) Thinkers360 Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on Procurement! (April 2021)

Dr. Thierry Fausten, Which is why I decided to screen solution providers and ultimately pick the ten that qualify, e.g., have a proven track record beyond press releases and outdated case studies and have verified and measurable success.

When I say measurable success, I am talking about examples like Virginia’s eVA initiative.

Here is an example of true “success tracking:”

September 12th, 2007 – https://bit.ly/3SUWxml

(first Virginia post)
April 4th, 2014 – https://bit.ly/3ydyeXk

(Forrester Wave Report on eVA)
May 14th, 2024 – https://bit.ly/3wryqoN

(Most recent Viginia post)

Between 2007 and 2024, I tracked Virginia through several new Governors and senior staff changes internally. I even provided a written assessment for the JLARC review, which is recorded in the legislature’s papers. I am talking about hundreds of posts. Each and every year, success was not based on a one-time press release or case study but on a consistent level of performance.

Now, that is what I call a real assessment of solution viability and performance or a Case Study.

That is the screening process I am using with my top 10 providers!

My Takeaway

Should Marketing take the lead and be responsible for case studies? A qualified NO!

The solution provider’s sales representative should be responsible for every piece of information that they share with a prospective client. They must do their homework and research any and all case studies to avoid what has become a far too frequent dialogue:

Me To A Provider Sales Rep. – I am doing a more thorough review of your case studies, and I found that (Client’s Name) is no longer with ABC Company. He has been with CBA since 2016. By the way, CBA is in a different industry.

Given that (Client’s Name) is heavily quoted in the case study, it means that the reference is at least 8 to possibly 11 years old. Is there someone at the company now who could provide an updated case reference/study? In fact, this is a great opportunity to demonstrate how your solution stands the test of time, and rich data from the past decade will show the ROI.

Provider Sales Rep. – I have asked our account management team to provide me with a list of 5 – 10 global industry buyers who can provide us with up-to-date case studies.

Me To A Provider Sales Rep. – That’s great! How soon can you get them to me?

Provider Sales Rep. – Our team has advised it will be a couple of months as they are focusing on other priorities with the customers. I plan to keep chasing and have requested they ask them when they next speak with them, but we are unlikely to get anything within the next couple of months.

I am going to close today’s post with the following question; would you eat a piece of fish that has been in your freezer for 10 years? 5 years? 1 year?

Solution providers and practitioners should look for the same freshness in their case studies based on their answer to the above question.


Posted in: Commentary