Which of the following resources is most likely to ensure that you choose the right solution provider?

Posted on February 12, 2024


While you likely use all of the following resources, which one will ensure you choose the right solution provider? When I say the right solution provider, I am talking about the one that makes you most confident that you will have a successful outcome for your digital transformation initiative.

  • A Solutions Map
  • Media Recognition, e.g. Forbes
  • A Provider-authored Case Study
  • A Practitioner-authored Case Study

How Do You Like Them Apples?

If you want an apple, do you stand around a pear tree waiting for one to fall?

If you want a red apple, do you stand beside a tree with green apples?

If you want a Red Delicious apple, do you stand beside a McIntosh apple tree?

Besides making myself hungry for an apple, there is a reason why I am comparing apples today. Simply put, not all fruit trees are the same, and not all apple trees have the same apples.

While the first three of the four resources listed above will make sure you end up in an orchard, the fourth (Practitioner Authored Case Study) will ensure that you end up in the “right” orchard under the “right” tree.

What Is A Practitioner-Authored Case Study

“As a result, they avoided the trap of eVA becoming a software project as Bob put it, and were thereby able shift the emphasis from an exercise in cost justification, to one of process understanding and refinement.  And while the Ariba application has done the job it was required to do, eVA’s effectiveness has little to do with the technology and more to do with the methodology the Virginia brain trust employed.  It is when technology (nee software) is seen as the primary vehicle to drive results that it becomes ineffectual and mostly irrelevant.  The 75 to 85% e-procurement initiative failure rate gives testimony to this fact.” – Yes Virginia! There is more to e-procurement than software! (Part 1)  (September 12th, 2007)

To be clear, a Practitioner-Authored Case Study does not mean that it has been written by a practitioner – although it can be. The main difference is that it doesn’t focus on the technology of a provider and its functionality to deliver a result or outcome. Instead, and as illustrated in the above quote, it is solely focused on the mindset and methodology for solving a client problem before technology is ever introduced.

Practitioner-Authored Case Study Examples

Technology has and will continue to evolve from punch cards, floppy disks, and CP/M to Windows, Zettabytes, and AI; the one constant piercing the timeline is that technology alone has little to do with digital procurement success, but stakeholder communication and collaboration.

Check out the three case references below to learn about the common thread of success over the past quarter century:

1998 – Department of National Defence – Are you chasing solutions or solving problems?
2007 – Commonwealth of Virginia’s eVA – Yes, Virginia! There is more to e-procurement than software!
2024 – Colgate-Palmolive – Latin America E2E Supply Chain 2024 Engagement and Goal Alignment Meeting

Posted in: Commentary