Is the procurement blog dead?

Posted on January 14, 2024


EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is my response to a terrific post by Waverly’sPhilippe Beaudoin asking, “What’s the future of journalism?”

“Social network for curious minds” is a great tagline.

Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote in 2010:

“In the colliding worlds of traditional and social media, the line of distinction is not as clear. Even though there are no real technological boundaries to limit the number of blogs, news sites, etc., it is only a matter of time before the over-abundance of writers will manifest itself in the form of Aldous Huxley’s greatest fear and lament that truth would somehow “be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.” If not irrelevance, then one of information overload.

This, of course, is the point that I have tried to make with so many of my fellow bloggers who insist upon occupying the familiar and therefore comfortable confines of a somewhat singular, and yes, even myopic website in which they calculate reach by the number of visits to a lone URL address versus measuring their expanding market presence through multiple social media venues. Taking into account expertise and, of course, the caliber of one’s writing, some of the most amazing flowers bloom in the isolation of the desert without so much of a passing notice by the world they inhabit.”

The takeaway, build knowledge-sharing communities.

Regarding the vision of building knowledge-sharing communities, I want to introduce you to what are known as the Next-Gen Rebels because they remind me very much of the exciting and necessary things you are doing at Waverly Philippe Beaudoin:

Joël Collin-Demers Joselina Peralta Rich Sains Mathew Schulz Dave Jones MCIPS Kelly Barner

  • These individuals don’t focus on likes – they focus on building meaningful dialogue
  • They eschew artificially created prose in favor of thought-provoking content that reflects knowledge, personal experience, and active reader participation.
  • They shed the shackles of playing the SEO algorithm games in favor of rolling up your sleeves in the trenches of “community” engagement. And yes, after 40 years in this business, I have always viewed SEO and other such machinations as playing the casino where the house always controls and never loses.

    On the above points, I speak from experience:
  • In May 2007, I launched my blog, which is still going strong with 14,700 followers
    Between 2009 and 2019, my BlogTalkRadio podcast averaged 15,000 listeners per month – with some on-demand segments being downloaded 35,000 times

    My advice – through multiple social channels be engaging, be original, and be consistent!

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.

Aldous Huxley


Posted in: Commentary