What percentage of solution provider case studies and client logos are outdated?

Posted on May 14, 2024


In a speech he gave several years ago, Colin Powell said that while it is important to seek the input of “experts,” it is also important to consider the fact that they may have reached their peak in terms of current relevance. 

Conversely, the value of being on the front lines of procurement is that the feedback you receive is a true reflection of a present-day reality (or mindset) and not linked to a long-held belief that is the result of past corporate affiliations. – Dangerous Supply Chain Myths (Part 4) June 2008

As an analyst, the general rule of thumb is to cite reference articles of papers that are a maximum of 2 years old. Of course, there are exceptions, but they have to be checked and confirmed for present-day relevance.

“One common mistake I see repeated is to ignore other possible solutions to the same problems that may be superior, e.g., scanning/ workflow ‘solutions’ to the paper invoice problem, versus properly digitalizing the whole process.” – Duncan Jones (May 15th, 2024)

One of the primary steps I take when choosing a solution provider to work with is to background-check their case studies and logos for current-day relevancy. You would be surprised at how many of the listed logos and corresponding case studies are out of date – or, as I like to say, out of relevancy.

Take Wayne Gretzky, For Example

You don’t have to be a hockey fan to know the name of “The Great One.” I could reference other famous sports names, such as Pelé or Babe Ruth. My point is this: While they were great in their day, how great would they be now? For example, Wayne Gretzky is 63. It is safe to say that if he were to lace up the skates in 2024 and take to the ice—well, you see where I am going.

So, I return to my original question: What percentage of logos and case studies are past their “Best Before” date? How many are still clients of the solution provider? How many practitioners are still actively working with their providers and utilizing the solution? Of those who are still using the solution, how much has the user base within the company grown?

Practitioners, “Own” Your Success!

How successful is your company with new hires and onboarding?

According to multiple sources here are a few statistics that are worth noting:

Do you notice the parallel points of reference between “onboarding” new employees and retaining their interest, active involvement, and success? Remember one other important point—employees are internal stakeholders. What do the numbers say about external stakeholder retention, e.g., suppliers?

Yes, Virginia! (Parts 1 and 2)

In 2001, the first full year in which eVA had been in place, less than 1% of the total “identified” spend was processed through the program.  (Identified spend, which represented those purchases for which eVA was likely to generate savings, accounted for approximately $3.5 billion of the Commonwealth’s total $5 billion expenditure that year.)

In 2007, 80% to 90% of the total identified spend was processed through the eVA initiative. This isn’t an intended rap against Ariba, but a throughput increase from less than 1% to more than 80% in a 6-year period paints a more effective picture than a nebulous 108% increase over either an unknown or inconsequential point of reference.

In the year prior to eVA’s launch between 5,000 and 6,000 of the 20,000 registered suppliers received orders.  In 2006, 14,371 of the 34,000 suppliers received orders.  So far in FY07, the number is 14,756 (with 4 months still remaining in the year).  This hard data is further testimony to the effectiveness of Virginia’s methodology in which true collaboration was a key element of the initiative.

Why can’t we get case studies like the one above instead of the wasted calorie platitudes and promises (and logo showcasing) that are too common today?

The Reliable Approach

As I did with The Commonwealth of Virginia above, over the next five years – on a semi-annual basis, I will be tracking the progress of the following two high-profile wins:

Does technology by itself remove functional silos? Unraveling the o9 Solutions’ Barilla Press Release mystery – December 2023

Why did Databricks choose ZIP – no, really, why? – April 2024


Posted in: Commentary